Wednesday, December 24, 2008

oh hai

iz bin a wile.

I felt ridonculously good about my Crim Pro final. Do you think I could be a public defender?

I took in a very cold but very fun bowl game in DC. Does our win in the inaugral game mean the trophy for the EagleBank Bowl gets to be named the Jim Grobe Trophy?

My first morning in NoCar (that's right, NoCar. it's gonna be a thing) I go to MyYahoo which tells me that it's 16 degrees in Chadds Ford, PA. I got out of there just in time.

Our basketball team is playing absurdly well (6th in the nation! awhit!) but against the 300th or so toughest schedule. January 11th is going to be veeeeery indicative of just how good we are.

The Yankees reaction to missing the playoffs for the first time since '93? Spend almost half a billion dollars. On three players. In the case of the Red Sox being "just as bad" as the Yankees, the defense rests.

Friday, December 12, 2008

i can't say i really like the new sawx road jerseys

Here they are. They're not bad, and they're based on past jerseys, but there was nothing wrong with the current road jerseys to begin with.

My two primary beefs:

1) This is the defining moment of this style of jersey.

2) There's already a team with a simple, navy-on-gray road uniform. Just take that jersey, change the words "New York" to "Boston," slap two red socks on the sleeve and presto change-o you've got the Red Sox's new away uniform.

What's worse, a photoshop rendering speculating what the new jerseys would be looks pretty sweet, and way better than what they actually went with, and maybe even better than the red-lettering style. Plus, it's not like that speculation came out of no where - it too was based a past uniform.

Monday, December 08, 2008

this is a first for me

Every lawyer is required to take and pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam in order to get a license. I took mine a month ago. To get a score of 80 (the minimum in North Carolina), you typically need to get around 60-65% of the 50 graded questions correct. When I was taking my practice exams, I was getting around 65% of the questions correct, so I felt confident I would pass, but probably not by very much (which, by the way, is the story of my life).

Well, my MPRE score was just released online. Under the words "scaled score," it says "121." My thought process was as follows:

121? What the hell does that mean? Couldn't they tell me the score on the correct scale? Does that convert to an 80 or what? (investigates online) Why isn't it telling me how to translate this score of 121? Is there a new scale I'm not aware of? (investigates more) Hmmm... scores range from 50 to 150, with 100 being the average. Wait... could I have... DID I ACTUALLY GET A SCORE 41 POINTS ABOVE THE MINIMUM!?! HOLY %#$@!!!

And so I came to learn that I crushed the MPRE. The "first" is this - I have never been confused by a test result because the score was too high. In fact, it's a sweet, sweet karmic turnabout from when I got a test grade in the 40's in one of my Calloway classes. My immediate reaction was "40 out of what? 50? 60? Why isn't it saying what it's out of?" and then it slowly dawning on me that it was a straight-up 40% grade, and that I had bombed a test I thought I aced.

Of course, a 121 doesn't really mean anything that an 80 wouldn't have - but I am hoping this is a precursor for the Bar.

In other law school news, I've reach that studied-all-I-can-study phase in my Wills and Trusts class, and I'm actually lamenting the fact I have to wait until Wednesday to take the exam. Considering my long history of feverish cramming, that's also probably a first.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

a few things i'd like to bring to your attention

In that Sportscenter commercial with Steve Smith and Kenny Mayne, the far away Steve Smith is wearing a white Panther jersey, and the close-up Steve Smith is wearing the blue alternate Panther jersey. Did they do this on purpose, to subtly imply Steve Smith is even faster (since he can change jerseys in a split second) than they're already exaggerating him to be? Or does ESPN just need to work on their use of the cowboy switch?*

Also, I feel the need to use both of Steve Smith's names when referring to him. Using just "Steve" or "Smith" is far too generic.

I've played all of 10 minutes of Mario-themed video games in my life, so I wish I could fully apprehicate the brilliance of these two videos.

It is my sincere hope that I will one day make a legal argument as ridiculous-sounding as this.

*a cowboy switch is a quick just-off-screen transition from actor to stuntman (or vice versa, and sometimes back again) in the same camera shot. I only know this because I watched the video commentaries of my Scrubs DVDs.

Anyhoo, back to my lonesome studies.