Thursday, November 27, 2008

thoughts on thanksgiving evenings

I think the post-meal period of Thanksgiving might be the strangest time of the year. What are you suppose to do with yourself as the hours roll by, 8pm, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm, and you're still not hungry? As of this moment, I haven't eaten anything in over eight hours, so all my mental bells and whistles are screaming "dinner time! eat something! eat something!" But I don't feel like eating at all. My stomach is full, my taste buds aren't yearning for anything; physically speaking, I'd actually prefer not to eat. How is this to be reconciled with my internal dinner alarm that's been buzzing for four hours? It's driving me crazy.

Anybody with me? Anyone?

/looks around in desperation
/slowly steps back from the keyboard
/runs off

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

two games, two dominations...

... but dominations can come in completely different ways.

In our second game of the season, we torched UNC-Wilmington 120 - 88, falling three points shy of the school scoring record. It was box score heaven, with Teague (my official Favorite Player on this squad), JJ, Chazzz, and boy wonder Aminu all putting up great lines.

Our third game was against Winston-Salem State, who we also tracuhed by doubling their points total. But it was 62-31. Where'd all the offense go? Where'd this D come from? Who cares when we freaking lapped those cross-town fools? But I'm not exactly going to throw a parade when we have all of one player reach double figures against a cup-cake opponent.

In re: our football program. Yikes. We could have pulled it out in the last minute against BC, but the fact is we didn't deserve to win. Our offense just can't put together a decent drive. A sad, pathetic showing. How are we suppose to reach our conference championship game when we're entirely reliant on our defense for points?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

star trek trailer pretty much the greatest thing ever

I grew up a Star Wars fan. Never paid much attention Star Trek. I can't really say why, but I'd imagine it would have to do with 1) lightsabers and 2) X-Wings, and how Star Trek doesn't have either of those.

Also, there are significant "entry barriers" to getting into Star Trek. See, if I'm going to watch a movie or TV show, I always want to do it in order. I've never seen any of the Star Trek films because I feel I should watch the entirety of the TV series first, since that's what happens before what happens in the movies. Likewise, I almost never start watching a series in the middle of its run - if I'm going to watch a show, I want to start with the pilot. With the Star Wars movies, you can just jump right in - there's no TV series to catch up with first.

Recently I realized that my love for Star Wars and the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica seem to make Star Trek right up my alley. To that end, my primary "past time" this semester has been watching the entirety of the Star Trek: The Next Generation cataglouge. I'm currently half-way through Season 6 (thank you bit torrents). I also watch the occasional Original Series episode off, but those can be unbearable considering the much slower pace and lack of any B- or C- story lines.

This leads me to the trailer for JJ Abram's new Star Trek movie about younger versions of the original characters, and it's pretty much mind-blowing. You can't tell at all what's going on, but I like trailers that way. It tells you what the movie will be like without telling you what it's actually about, unlike so many trailers that reveal the entire plot. My favorite part of the trailer is Karl Urban and his unexpected resemblance to DeForest Kelly / Dr. McCoy. He's got that "eyes wide, one eye brow raised" look spot-on.

Friday, November 14, 2008

a beacon of light in a dark time

A figurative beacon but a literal time of darkness. Can't stand this pitch-black-by-5pm business.

Actually, make that a figurative time of darkness too, because the first half of November has to be my most depressing time of the year. It's always dark outside, finals are right around the corner, I'm suffering from acute baseball withdrawal, it's too soon to listen to Christmas music, and Wake Forest basketball hasn't started yet. Yes, there's college football and the NFL, but Deacons football has been so up-and-down that if I follow it too closely I might get motion sickness, and the NFL only provides one day a week where there's more than a single game going on. I did enjoy the gold uniforms, as long we don't do it again for at least a year.

But on to the beacon. Today, things are really looking up. Wake Forest basketball kicks off its season against NC Central. In our exhibition game last week we routed Olive Garden's corporate team, with LD Williams scoring 22 points and AF Aminu chipping in 15 points and 12 rebounds. Our dyanamic trio of freshman hasn't gone unnoticed, as we're ranked No. 21 going into the season. Let's exceed those expectations. Go Deacs!