Thursday, April 19, 2007

re: the past few days

I'm always in class when the bad news hits.

I remember back in elementary school when word of the Oklahoma City bombing began to spread. I remember my high school being locked down for the last hour of classes due to Columbine (which I still don't get - did they think there was some nation-wide conspiracy going on? I guess they were worried about impromptu copy-cats). I remember Mr. Henline telling our AP Physics class there had been a "major terrorist attack in New York City."

I was in Contracts on Monday when I logged onto Widener's wireless, and went to my usual cycle of websites. I checked my fantasy baseball team, then moved on to Mary Katharine Ham's political blog and saw this post. I can't really remember what was taught in the remainder of the class. I was too occupied just reading and praying.

It hit me pretty hard. Not just because VT is in the ACC, but because they're in the ACC I had seen "Virgina Tech" at games - their athletes and students, their fans, their proud parents. Hell, the only football game in Groves I went to last year was against VT, when I was genuinely more concerned about my friends' safety from the very large, very packed, and very drunk crowd then whatever was happening on the field.

I don't have much to offer other than the normal shock, sadness and anger that this happened. I will add one observation - remember the Muhammad cartoons? Remember how all of the mainstream news outlets refused to publish or show the cartoons in order to respect Muslims? Contrast that to the absolute rush to air all the pictures and videos and writings of the shooter - he doesn't deserve to be named - that news outlets could get their hands on. I think its pretty damn disrespectful for CNN, Fox News, etc. to put an enormous image of the shooter pointing a gun straight into the camera on their web site's front page. Think about what that says to a VT student or parent. "Hey, here's the last thing your friend/child saw before they died." Then the subsequent captions - click here to watch his video! Click here to read his manifesto! Isn't that just granting his death wish? For the world to hear his thoughts? I don't get it. If the media is so obsessed with being PC and unoffensive, then why are they playing into this sick bastard's fame game?*

I may be rambling here, but I just refuse to watch any of his videos that he sent to NBC. At least not in the foreseeable future. I simply have no interest in hearing his explanations and excuses because what he did was unexplainable and inexcusable.


And on a COMPLETELY different note...

My NBA fantasy league ended in pretty much the closest finish possible. Check it out (I'm the San Antonio Sirloins):

That's right. The top three teams are separated by half a point. HALF A POINT. The tie at the top was made possible by me being tied with other teams in both blocks and FG%, as you can see here. Follow me here - in the 824 individual games played by my team, if I had just one more block, I would have won outright by half a point; one less block and I would have been tied for 2nd. One block in eight-hundred and twenty four games! In. Sane.


*The answer, of course, is that the friends and family of the VT victims won't blow up anything in response to being offended. Unlike... well, you know the rest.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Tim Duncan Now Has Street Cred

He's turning into Rasheed. How else could he get two technicals in just a couple minutes time.

What? He was just laughing on the bench? That can't be true. Oh, I see you brought video evidence.

Well I be damned. Timmy D got ejected for being amused. So much for the street cred. I was hoping he cold cocked Stackhouse or something.

Also love how the video goes a little long and shows Oberto getting called for a foul after our boy J-Ho ran straight into him.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New Baseball Rules In Action!

Wheeee! I love this stuff. A few months ago, MLB announced a few tweaks were made to the official rule book. The most notable was that a suspended tie game will now be resumed as part of a quasi-double header the next time the two teams meet. The old rule was that the game was replayed in it's entirety, though player statistics from the tie still counted, which I always found quite odd. I think this new rule is way better. After all, how much would it suck for, say, the Twins to waste a brilliant Johan Santana start because it starts to rain in the 9th with the game tied 0-0?

Anyway, the new rule gets applied today as the Brewers and Marlins settle their 2-2 tie right before they play the regularly scheduled game. Isn't that great!? I knew you'd love it.

In related news, here's your preview for today's Red Sox-Mariners game. Hope you understand Japanese.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Never Saw This Coming

Hampton to have surgery, miss season.

Also worthy of note: the 2, 3 and 4 hitters in Boston's line-up are all batting .217.

Also also worthy of note: the Indians and Angels are gonna play a series in Wisconsin.

Lastly of note: will I ever get my brief done? I guess we'll know the answer Thursday at 5:00pm.

EMERGENCY HOLY CRAP EDIT - That was one of the single best 24 episodes ever. If not the best, period. It had everything: a nuclear strike bluff, good old fashioned torture, classic CTU trickery, a Jack v terrorists shoot out, an incredible boss fight with an unbelievably satisfying death scene (see below), and the accustomed mid-season plot twist. Wow, wow, wow. Also, who didn't laugh out loud when Jack sat up into camera to reveal his death ruse? I know I did.

Doyle summed it up the only way possible: "Damn, Jack."

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Skip Lands Biggest Recruit Since CP3

This is purportedly a Wake Forest sports blog, and I come bearing good news on the recruiting front. Ty Walker, the 3rd ranked center and 15th overall in the Class of 2008 according to, has committed to Wake Forest. He should end up being the 9th (I believe) McDonald's All-American in Wake's history.

In unrelated news...

Geese are attacking students on the Widener campus. They've got a nest along the sidewalk connecting the main law building and Barrister's Club food court. The first day they were here, I stubbornly walked right by the male without incident, only to have him fly up and attack the next two guys. I must have some Jedi/Ma-ti calming effect on birds. Next day, the Barrister's Club staff stood on the balcony, enjoying the sight of students dealing with the male goose, some by running, others by swinging purses and backpacks. Today the area in question was lined off with yellow tape, with signs reading: "Caution! Aggressive Geese." Only, no geese in sight. I wonder if anyone took up my suggestion.

Also, a message to the state of Delaware:

Sunday, April 01, 2007

One Down, 2,429 To Go

Let the fun begin.