It was sitting out in the cold next to my complex's dumpster, making it abandoned and thus incapable of actually being stolen (thank you Property I). Still, I got a FREE COUCH. Getting it from the dumpster up to my 3rd floor apartment might be my greatest physical accomplishment. I'm serious. Some people run marathons, some climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, I move a 7 x 2.5 x 3 foot couch to 3rd floor apartments by myself. Yes, I used the elevator, but you should have seen how I could just *barely* angle and incline the couch into and out of a fairly small elevator in a narrow hallway.
All in all, my opportunistic and spacial comprehension skills are on fire.
Did you remember to pivot?
he should have used the elevator!
i thought of that scene when i was trying to *pivot* the couch out of the elevator and into the hallway. it kept me going when i thought it might not be possible.
and my arms still hurt, three days later. got anything at medicap for that?
Oh yes, we have all things that are good.
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