It was about 10 years ago that the Harris-Teeter in uptown Mooresville closed, and I remarked that it would make a great spot for a Best Buy. It eventually became some lame furniture store. Ever since then I've been not-so-patiently waiting for one to open around here. We've got every other conceivable business, store or restaurant. Additions from the past few months include a bowling alley, Chili's, Steak n' Shake, Panda Express, a sports bar, Salad Works, Bed Bath & Beyond, and the headquarters of Lowe's' Hardware on the way. It boggled my mind that a town that was expanding so exponentially couldn't have a frakking Best Buy.
Well, that reign of terror is finally over. June 1st marked the grand opening of our very own store. I bought a couple of CDs to celebrate.
We may all sleep easy now. And I can stop calling my congressman.
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