In unrelated news...
Geese are attacking students on the Widener campus. They've got a nest along the sidewalk connecting the main law building and Barrister's Club food court. The first day they were here, I stubbornly walked right by the male without incident, only to have him fly up and attack the next two guys. I must have some Jedi/Ma-ti calming effect on birds. Next day, the Barrister's Club staff stood on the balcony, enjoying the sight of students dealing with the male goose, some by running, others by swinging purses and backpacks. Today the area in question was lined off with yellow tape, with signs reading: "Caution! Aggressive Geese." Only, no geese in sight. I wonder if anyone took up my suggestion.
Also, a message to the state of Delaware:
Awesome news about the recruit. I'm ticked Oden's Buckeyes went to the championship. Coulda been us...
And don't worry about the cold. The lows for the next couple days are in the 20's in STL.
Same kinda weather for us in NC, I'm afraid - there's a chance of snow this evening. Weird.
My IM hath disappeared because I've been rediculously busy and I've had internet issues at my apartment. I certainly won't be on tonight, what with my 19 page appellate brief due tomorrow morning... Yeesh.
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