But of course you do. Yeah, apparently the good people at Fox have decided to satisfy the foundation of my hierarchy of needs and started selling replicas. And I am buying one.
Thanks for the link. I'm sure they'll show something during the World Series. At least we won't have to watch Michael J. Fox tell us we're terrible people for prohibiting cloning (more on that later...).
I guess Fox got tired of those random emails from obsessed fans (uh, I mean wonderful people) that want satchels. Plus the money they'll be making... I wonder when the Jack Bauer limited ediiton pistol goes on sale... Or better yet, the Chloe Automatic, complete with a rack so you can put in your car!
I saw the MJF commercial on the Internets. He looks pretty bad off. And while I have a lot of sympathy for him, I also have a lot of disdain for politcians who are using that sympathy just to get themselves elected.
well, i've watched it, you've watched it, and that rules out just about everyone who would read these comments. so lets discuss!
"jack bauer will die!" right. this is the first of kiefer's three year extension to play jack bauer, so try again. plus, he's already died twice before, so even if he did die it wouldn't be anything unprecented.
if you were confused as to what exactly the whole "sacrifice" thing means, i'm with you. i don't know if it's possible to place jack bauer in situations of imminent death. and like i just said, even when he does die he doesn't die.
at any rate, the "sacrifice" angle will probably be resolved by the 5th hour.
The terrorist has to be some distant relative of some guy Jack's killed in the last 5 seasons and after his massive spree the government agrees to hand Jack over (which is handy because I think he's still dead according to official records).
I don't get why the Chinese would just hand him over after finally getting him. The only thing I can think of is if the terrorists are also attacking China.
I'm very sad the death toll in St. Louis is already 112. I thought we were just gonna blow up LA.
And yeah, obviously Jack doesn't die. But he'll be tortured, probably killed and revived only to escape like... that other time. I guess they can't just have random terrorists. That's too easy.
i didn't catch the significance of "i've been waiting for this for a long time," so you're probably right about them wanting jack specifically.
we know jack gets out of it, but seeing as how jack's always been willing to die for his country, someone has to be rescuing him, against orders. hmm, doing something for jack by going rogue, who could that be? coughchloecough.
Thanks for the link. I'm sure they'll show something during the World Series. At least we won't have to watch Michael J. Fox tell us we're terrible people for prohibiting cloning (more on that later...).
I guess Fox got tired of those random emails from obsessed fans (uh, I mean wonderful people) that want satchels. Plus the money they'll be making... I wonder when the Jack Bauer limited ediiton pistol goes on sale... Or better yet, the Chloe Automatic, complete with a rack so you can put in your car!
I saw the MJF commercial on the Internets. He looks pretty bad off. And while I have a lot of sympathy for him, I also have a lot of disdain for politcians who are using that sympathy just to get themselves elected.
Trailer looks interesting, yet confusing. I won't post anything else here so as to not spoil anything.
well, i've watched it, you've watched it, and that rules out just about everyone who would read these comments. so lets discuss!
"jack bauer will die!" right. this is the first of kiefer's three year extension to play jack bauer, so try again. plus, he's already died twice before, so even if he did die it wouldn't be anything unprecented.
if you were confused as to what exactly the whole "sacrifice" thing means, i'm with you. i don't know if it's possible to place jack bauer in situations of imminent death. and like i just said, even when he does die he doesn't die.
at any rate, the "sacrifice" angle will probably be resolved by the 5th hour.
since we're spoiling...
The terrorist has to be some distant relative of some guy Jack's killed in the last 5 seasons and after his massive spree the government agrees to hand Jack over (which is handy because I think he's still dead according to official records).
I don't get why the Chinese would just hand him over after finally getting him. The only thing I can think of is if the terrorists are also attacking China.
I'm very sad the death toll in St. Louis is already 112. I thought we were just gonna blow up LA.
And yeah, obviously Jack doesn't die. But he'll be tortured, probably killed and revived only to escape like... that other time. I guess they can't just have random terrorists. That's too easy.
i didn't catch the significance of "i've been waiting for this for a long time," so you're probably right about them wanting jack specifically.
we know jack gets out of it, but seeing as how jack's always been willing to die for his country, someone has to be rescuing him, against orders. hmm, doing something for jack by going rogue, who could that be? coughchloecough.
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