Me, age 22.
Robert, age 28.
Mom, age 61.
Dad, age 64.
And we're all walking around in a freaking children's amusement park. After getting about 3 hours sleep the night before due to my brother's jet engine-level snoring, I wasn't the happiest camper. But I kept my mouth shut and didn't complain (I don't want to be that guy). So after I sat through an hour of 50's cowboy music, I again think I'm in the clear. Nope! We have to go on the actual freaking Tweetsie Railroad train. Every other group on board has a child under the age of 12 with them. The only people my age were the guys playing the cowboys and Indians during the outlaw robbery and Indian attack that are part of the ride.
I guess what I'm saying is, after graduating from college and turning 22, I've just been itching to do more "adult" things. Like going out at night with friends, drinking scotch, not going to Tweetsie Freaking Railroad. Those kind of things. Thank God I had my trip to New York. I may have already covered this, but it was such a rush to travel on my own. I admit that after a week I got pretty lonely, but that doesn't take away from the romance of losing yourself in a new and exciting city where you are in complete control of whatever you want to do, not having to answer to or confer with anyone.
Okay, enough with my coming-of-age whiny garbage. Onto the default topic of sorts around here- weird sports news.
NY Islanders can new GM, hire back-up goalie instead. Don't you wonder how crap like this gets started?
Owner: We need a new GM. Someone who can work for us long term. You know, more than a month.
Sarcastic Assistant: I hear the goalie plays a mean NHL Hockey 94.
Owner: You sir, are a ____ing genius. I want a contract offer by Monday.
Sarcastic Assistant: But-
Don't laugh. I dare you.
I don't mean to complain about the Red Sox sweeping a series, but it's the Royals, and it was by a combined three runs. Can't I bitch just a little? No? Ok...
Snakes on a Plane! No, really!
Ok, that's not about sports and it's over a month old but it's late and I'm running out of material. As a final remark, does anyone else watch TLC's "Untold Stories of the ER"? The doctors and patients quite often play themselves, leading to plenty of unintentional comedy. Problem is, you then realize that these are true stories and real people were traumatized. Not only that, but the affected people are right there, re-enacting (however poorly) the same horrifying drama you're laughing at. Humor and basic human decency are waging a deadly war in my head... and I love every moment of it.
Sounds like a ride on the... Crazy Train! (catch the Ozzy Osbourne reference there? Did ya?)
Drinking scotch? Since when did you get on scotch? I thought you were a whiskey-and-rum kinda guy.
Next thing you know, Sidney Ponson will be the new GM for the Yanks. I hope.
I didn't laugh. Seriously.
As to the Royals series, I hear ya. I want to beat the bad teams BAD. And I'm really glad Carpenter stopped the pummelling at the hands of the Braves...
Don't watch that show, sorry. The only show I've watched consistantly all summer is... nothing.
yeah but old geezers in the movies are always drinking scotch. remember, i was trying to think of adulty thngs.
i can't believe you can't laugh at a shirtless yao jogging around. maybe it's just me.
it's me.
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