No, seriously,
I think an important part of doing good deeds is to not brag about them afterward. But this deed is so stuffed, sauteed and topped with goodness that I can't help myself. I was looking through the mail and came across a letter addressed to someone else, and noticed it had something more than just papers inside. Turns out to be Phillies tickets for the 2009 season. A lot of them. $314 worth. Some of them were even for the interleague series against Boston. There was a good 30 seconds there when I thought of the possibilities: selling them, making a return trip to Philly to attend the games... But then I put on my coat and brought them to the front office, who said the guy was a current resident and they would give them to him. I left knowing if an aneurysm hit me right then and there, I had a pretty sweet talking point cued* up for the Heaven Entry Committee.
As it turns out, "1-12" is the date of the first class, not the first assignment. Reading comprehension fail.
I really like Boston's off season signings. Penny, Baldelli, Smoltz, and Saito are all low-risk, high-reward acquisitions. Plus, they come shame-free, unlike the Yankee's moves of spending the GDP of Samoa on three players.
I'm sure a dozen comedians have already covered this, but why don't they just make walkers that already come with tennis balls?
The 24 season premiere and Wake/Carolina happening at the same time was less than ideal, but having just watched last night's episodes, it seemed like an excellent start to the season. Last time around, I could never shake the feeling I'd seen all of this before, like I was watching vaguely recalled reruns. This year, we have enough new elements (DC instead of LA, FBI instead of CTU) that 24's got that fresh feeling back.
Speaking of 24, that Taken movie with Liam Neeson, while looking pretty sweet, is basically a remake of 24's first season. Just thought you'd like to know.
*It is "cued," right, that means "to have ready," instead of "queued?"